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Orville Lawrence Hart

Born 28 May 1909, Camden On Gauley, Webster County, West Virginia
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NameLifespanBlack Chapel Cemetery, Webster County WV.
Orville Lawrence Hart
Mother:    Lucinda Lucky
Father:      Samuel L Hart
1909 - 1964
Additional Notes Orville Lawrence Hart
Orville Lawrence Hart married Helen Lorraine Fraley, Webster County WV and they had 6 children. You know that Tennessee Ernie Ford song: "You load 16 tons, what do you get/Another day older and deeper in debt"? That was Orville Lawrence's life. I would say Orville Lawrence is best at storytelling than anyone that I know, he also speaks from the heart. He had a way of inspire hope, ignite the imagination. I think it was his most important skills that he ever pick up, and people started listening to what he had to say. He never really gotten a lucky break in life, face the same limited choices that most Appalachia men have to face, work a single shift in a non-union mine to achieve at least some form of stability for their family. You maybe gone but you will never be forgotten.
Orville Lawrence Hart
Birth Date: 28 May 1909, Camden On Gauley, Webster County, West Virginia
Date of Death:May 20 1964 Fayette County
Age at Death 54 years
Place of DeathMontgomery
Name of Disease or cause of Death:Reticulum cell sarcoma arising from right lung
Social Security Number:233-14-1308
State or Territory Where Number Was IssuedWest Virginia
CemeteryBlack Chapel Cemetery is nearby to Allingdale and Camden on Gauley, Webster County WV.
Orville Lawrence Hart   Children

Son:Samuel HartBorn: 1941
Daughter:Barbara HartBorn: 2/26/1943
Son:Orville Lawrence Hart Jr.Born: 12/14/1946 Died- 09/04/2014
Daughter:Charlotte HartBorn: 1948
Son:Charles HartBorn: 1949
Daughter:Helen HartBorn: 1950
Orvill Lawrence Hart
Researcher:  Nellie Bell

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